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Below is a listing of Frequently Asked Questions for Audit the Vote Texas. Of course, this is not an all inclusive list and we keep adding new questions all the time. You can either scroll down see questions divided into topics, or type search terms in the box on the left-hand side of the page to see highlighted questions below.

About this Petition

What do you hope to accomplish?

Audit the Vote Texas is hopeful that first a forensic audit is done for the 2020 Presidential Election in Texas, and secondly the legislature comes to the conclusion that electronic voting in Texas is too insecure and fraught with potential of fraud to continue using machines. Ultimately, Audit the Vote Texas is hope that electronic voting is banned, and that Texas returns to paper ballots only. Audit the Vote Texas can only get this done if the will of the great people of Texas demand it.

Why are you only concerned with Texas?

The creator of the Audit the Vote Texas site is a resident of the Lone Star State, and of course all challenges to voter integrity have to first be accomplished on the State / County / Municipality level. If you are interested in doing the same in your state, please contact us.

Can I create this site for my own State?

Yes, this site is a WordPress site and can be downloaded, edited and posted for other States and no charge.

Why do I need to supply my date of birth and last four of my social security number to submit my petition?

In Texas using your date of birth and last four numbers of your social security can prove you are a real person without having to provide a (wet) signature. This allows the Texas Secretary of State to verify the last name, date birth and last four of social security in order to validate only legal, living Texas resident signed the petition. Notice it does NOT ask for an address nor telephone number (protecting an individual’s privacy and to prevent unwanted solicitation). Just want to make sure that only real people (and just one real person) submits a petition and we get a forensic audit done in Texas. You know, one person, one petition, something that was NOT enforced during our previous election.

Do you take donations?

Thank you, but no, Audit the Vote Texas does NOT take donations. This site has only one purpose. To get the Texas Attorney General to implement a statewide forensic audit of the 2020 Election and show how much widespread fraud really happened in Texas. It you want to donate or contribute, the best thing to do is sign the petition, call or write the Attorney General Ken Paxton, and call or write your local representatives to insist on a full forensic audit.

What will you do with our informaton?

First, Audit the Vote Texas will NOT solicit you nor sell any information to third parties. This is ONLY about getting a forensic audit performed in Texas and showing State offices the number of people who are behind it. Period. As such we only need for you to identify yourself uniquely but have not asked for any contact information as the State would already have that on file.

Resources and References

What other States are doing forensic audits?

While it seems like there are many audits taken place in the United States concerning the 2020 Presidential Election, the status and substance change too often to be listed in an FAQ. Still, we will post a link (see Other Audits) in the menu bar that will take you to links in every state conducting an audit.

Who can I contact to support this audit request?

In the State of Texas, there is one person who has the authority to instigate a complete forensic audit, and that is the Attorney General, Ken Paxton. His contact information is: info@kenpaxton.com or (469) 247-2360. In addition you can contact your local State Representative or Congressman as well, but it is best to focus on the Attorney General.

Are there any other resources that you recommend?

Yes, look in our resources page concerning websites, individuals, information, and updates concerning the abuses and outright criminal behavior concerning the 2020 Election. This page will be updated periodically.

Success! No More Signatures Needed!
Contact your State Representative to
Support SB97 & HB16!

Two new bills (SB97 and HB16) have been introduced in Texas in both houses requesting a forensic audit of the 13 largest counties in Texas: Harris, Dallas, Bexar, Tarrant, Travis, Collin, Denton, Hidalgo, Fort Bend, El Paso, Montgomery, Williamson and Cameron. Please support this bill by contacting your State Representative.

1. Find your Texas Representative with this link: Here

2. Call, email, mail or visit your Texas State Representative to tell them how you feel.

3. Spread the word and get as many people as you can to help take back our elections and stop the fraud!