Sample Letter

Warren Kenneth Paxton Jr., Esq.
Attorney General
State of Texas

Dear Mister Attorney General,

First, I have to applaud your efforts in trying to stop the outright theft during the 2020 Presidential Election and all your efforts thus far to prevent a theft like that ever happening again. Thank you.

While we are starting to see forensic audits being conducted in some of the swing States concerning the 2020 Presidential Election, it has come to my attention that fraud happened in every State, and yes, even in Texas, to the tune of switching 6% to 8% of the vote totals in favor of Democrat candidates, including Biden. Below is a link to a video showing the scientific, mathematical proof of how this was done using an algorithm inserted into EVERY electronic voting machine in every county in every State in America.

This should give you pause and concern as to the magnitude and scope of what can be done in any election in Texas, and why in the past election the media thought Texas could turn blue. Not because of voters, but because of the ability of anyone who might be controlling the voting machines or the voting tallies.

As such, I am earnestly requesting that you look into this possible malfeasance as a violation of my personal rights and freedoms and a citizen of this great state of Texas. I feel that if my vote does not count, that my civil rights and liberties are being violated, and I feel it is your duty as the leading law enforcement officer in the State to investigate with a forensic audit.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this very important matter.

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Contact your State Representative to
Support SB97 & HB16!

Two new bills (SB97 and HB16) have been introduced in Texas in both houses requesting a forensic audit of the 13 largest counties in Texas: Harris, Dallas, Bexar, Tarrant, Travis, Collin, Denton, Hidalgo, Fort Bend, El Paso, Montgomery, Williamson and Cameron. Please support this bill by contacting your State Representative.

1. Find your Texas Representative with this link: Here

2. Call, email, mail or visit your Texas State Representative to tell them how you feel.

3. Spread the word and get as many people as you can to help take back our elections and stop the fraud!