by Admin | Jun 13, 2021 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Voter Fraud
You are watching the planned demolition of the American Oligarchy (or the corrupt make-believe two-party system). It is about all the swamp creatures being uncovered. Not all actors in this freak show are willing participants. Many are trapped by their own crimes and...
by Admin | Jun 5, 2021 | Election Fraud, Election Tampering, Electronic Voting, Voter Fraud
Here is a video about a US Senator from Oregon warning us about electronic voting machines vulnerabilities to hacking. He states the ONLY way to prove that any election if valid is to do a full forensic audit. Here are some of his quotes: “The vast majority of 10,000...
by Admin | Dec 12, 2020 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Election Tampering, Electronic Voting, Statistical Anamolies, Vote Switches, Voter Fraud
OK I am just dying to see how the Left is going to try an fact check this out of existence? This is huge. There literally is now a smoking gun, with finger prints, and a confession now indicating that, no it is not humans, but machines that are flipping votes. This my...
by Admin | Nov 16, 2020 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Electronic Voting, Vote Switches, Voter Fraud
In auditing you look for red flags. They are weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further. One flag does not necessarily mean there is fraud. Weird things and honest mistakes happen. A...