So, people keep saying, where is the proof of election fraud? Well if we take the way-back machine to November 3rd and 4th, 2020 we have real-time evidence of votes being switched on live broadcasts. What is amazing is that no one seems to think this is a problem? Really? Hum. If you want to see evidence of the red flag of electronic voter fraud all we need to do is go to the video. (to see video click picture below).

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Contact your State Representative to
Support SB97 & HB16!

Two new bills (SB97 and HB16) have been introduced in Texas in both houses requesting a forensic audit of the 13 largest counties in Texas: Harris, Dallas, Bexar, Tarrant, Travis, Collin, Denton, Hidalgo, Fort Bend, El Paso, Montgomery, Williamson and Cameron. Please support this bill by contacting your State Representative.

1. Find your Texas Representative with this link: Here

2. Call, email, mail or visit your Texas State Representative to tell them how you feel.

3. Spread the word and get as many people as you can to help take back our elections and stop the fraud!