While the 2020 Presidential Election has left a lot to be desired in the sense of transparency and integrity, Dr. Douglas Frank‘s excellent video (follow this link) about adding voters, using the 2020 census, who actually did not vote to the voter rolls (also known as phantom voters see links here and here) does not quite explain in detail how adding these phantom votes would significantly change an election. More precisely, what are the mechanisms used to actually move the vote totals from one candidate to another with “pre-loading” an algorithm into the electronic voting machines.

In this post I will look at only two types of electronic voter manipulations: vote flipping of real votes and adding phantom voters, and the effect each has on vote totals. Flipping votes is usually done with the adjudication process or even pre-programmed into the machines with fractional or weighted voting. In any case, it tends to be a fixed percentage or amount calculated prior to the commencement of voting. While in the 2020 Election it looked like this type of fraud was implemented, it was not quite enough to push one candidate over the line. Remember, fraud comes in many flavors. In addition, in deep red states, vote flipping virtually goes undetected as the outcomes are usually not affected greatly.

The second type of electronic vote manipulation is adding phantom votes, as indicated in Dr. Frank’s video. This is probably the easiest and least detectable of all electronic voter fraud because you already know how many people actually voted before the voting starts. From there you count the real votes from the calculated votes, and then assign the difference to the candidate of your choice. So, if 1,000 where calculated to vote, but only 900 voted, you have 100 phantom votes at your disposal to assigned to a candidate.

In deep red states like Texas, this form of electronic voter fraud has gone pretty much undetected until the last election, when huge swings in Democrat turnout seemed to belie the actual turnout. As stated in an earlier post (Biden’s Campaign and Results defy the Laws of Physics), it is hard to believe that a candidate that did not even visit Texas and whose policies go against most of Texan’s beliefs would have gain so much traction against a populous candidate like Trump. As such, a clarion call must be sound off to investigate the machines and tallies in Texas.

To help understand this there will be three situations that you can see how these two types of vote stuffing and switching can effect an election at the county level. For illustration I will use examples where a county is roughly equal in Democrats (Blue) and Republicans (Red), a county that is slightly more Republican than Democrat, and a county that is heavily Republican.

Now you have to remember that Dr. Frank showed how the 2010 Census was used to stuff phantom votes in each county by age group. For this illustration a fictitious county with 1,000, 60-year-old voters, who typically vote at a 70% (which is high for Texas), will be used for the three different illustrations. Remember, this vote manipulations happened in every age group in every county in Texas that has electronic voting machines.

So, in our first scenario, our Noname County is comprised of roughly 1,000 60-year-olds, and typically 70% (700) vote and about half vote R and half vote D. Using Dr. Frank’s estimation that 6% to 8% of phantom votes were injected into every age group, we selected slightly over 7%, or 50 phantom votes (it makes the math easier to follow) were injected in this scenario. In addition, we kept the actual vote flipping to 1% (7 votes). Now, please stay with me because there is some math going on, but I think you can follow me. So, you would expect that 350 votes would go to the Democrat and 350 will go the Republican is there was a clean and theft free election. Not so.

Look at the illustration below, right away 50 phantom votes are added (see increase from 700 to 750 in left panel), with 48 going to the Democrat candidate and 2 going to the Republican (this is pretty much the rates that actually happened in Georgia and Michigan). At the same time 7 votes were taken away from the Republican and added to the Democrat (center two panels below). As a footnote, vote flipping was shown in real-time on live TV during the 2020 Election night. In the aggregate (the right most panel), the Republican candidate lost 7 votes (dotted red line), but gain 2 votes with the phantom voters for a total of 345 votes (net loss of 5 votes). The Democrat on the other hand added 48 votes (dotted blue line) from the phantom votes and 7 from the vote switching resulting in a 54% to 46% margin of victory. So, yes, in Texas we have a few “swing” counties where this happened.

Now on to a Noname County with the same 1,000 60-year-olds that vote at 70% (700 voters) which leans Red (Republican). We are using the same 7% (50) of phantom voters, but this time we will raise the vote flipping to 2% (14 votes). Again, let’s follow the math. If this were a fair election the Republican would win by a margin of 420 (60%) to 280 (40%) votes. Now with vote switching in the aggregate, the Republican candidate lost 14 votes, but gained 2 votes with the phantom voters for a total of 373 votes (net loss of 12 votes). The Democrat on the other hand added 48 votes from the phantom votes and 14 from the vote switching resulting in a very narrow 50.3% to 49.7% margin of victory. So, yes, in Texas we have a few R counties where a narrow margin was eked out, for example Tarrant County.

Finally, a Noname County with the same 1,000 60-year-olds that vote at 70% (700 voters) which is heavily Republican (60%). We are using the same 7% (50) of phantom voters, but this time we will raise the vote flipping to 3% (3% is what is estimated in 2020 to be pre-programmed into most machines which is 21 votes in this example). Again, let’s follow the math. If this were a fair election the Republican would win by a margin of 420 (60%) to 280 (40%) votes. Now with vote switching in the aggregate, the Republican candidate lost 21 votes, but gained 2 votes with the phantom voters for a total of 401 votes (net loss of 19 votes). The Democrat on the other hand added 48 votes from the phantom votes and 21 from the vote switching resulting in a narrowing of the Republican’s victory to 53.5% to 46.5%. So, instead of a 20 point victory, the Republican won by a 7 point margin. Evidence shows that this scenario happened in multiple deep red counties in Texas during the 2020 Presidential Election.

So let’s take a real world example in a county in Texas, Collin. Please remember that the average percentage turnout has been 69% in last 5 Presidential Elections (since 1996) in Collin county. The graphic below is taken from Dr. Frank’s analysis of Texas counties. The green vertical line is 61-year-olds in Collin. Typically, 6,900  61-year-olds vote in Collin (green vertical line with green circle), but in 2020 with the injection of phantom voting using the 2010 Census and a per-installed algorithmic key (with a coefficient of 0.999), that number increased to 8,100. So there are 1,200 phantom 61-year-old voters that can be allocated (most likely to the Democrat) in Collin. Let’s be not so generous and say only 80% went to Biden. That is an additional 960 votes added to Biden, and 240 votes for Trump.

Let’s make this real clear. This example is only one county with one age group. This resulted in a massive injection of phantom votes cast in Collin county to the tune of tens of thousands of illegal ballots. What is known as fact that an algorithmic key was used in every electronic voting machine in every county in Texas. That hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots were cast most likely for Democrats due to the anomalies favoring them. So, Texas what you going to do? Just let this fraud stand? Trump did not win Texas by 7 points, he won by 20 to 25 points, it is just the machines and those who has access to them made it look like Texas, deep Red, is now going Blue. We can either grab this bull by the horns, or get buried in its dookie.

Caveat: I have not verified these numbers om Collin county. I encourage the reader to do so.

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Contact your State Representative to
Support SB97 & HB16!

Two new bills (SB97 and HB16) have been introduced in Texas in both houses requesting a forensic audit of the 13 largest counties in Texas: Harris, Dallas, Bexar, Tarrant, Travis, Collin, Denton, Hidalgo, Fort Bend, El Paso, Montgomery, Williamson and Cameron. Please support this bill by contacting your State Representative.

1. Find your Texas Representative with this link: Here

2. Call, email, mail or visit your Texas State Representative to tell them how you feel.

3. Spread the word and get as many people as you can to help take back our elections and stop the fraud!