by Admin | May 18, 2021 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Election Tampering, Gaslighting, Mail In Voting, Vote Switches
What always amazes me is why no election officials from the states looked into the “anomalies” of votes being flipped in their states. Looking at the quotes from the Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Governor, you can see why fraud was so easily...
by Admin | Nov 26, 2020 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Mail In Voting, Voter Fraud
More fun in Georgia on acceptance rates of mail in ballots. Typically (historically) the rejection rate of mail-in ballots in Georgia is 5.7%, but lo and behold in the 2020 Presidential election if dropped to 0.4%.. hum So you get 50% more ballots and your rejection...
by Admin | Nov 26, 2020 | 2020 Election, Election Fraud, Election Tampering, Mail In Voting
Gettysburg, PA… the turning place of the US Civil War and no coincidence that Giuliani chose this location to echo the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus...
by Admin | Nov 23, 2020 | Election Fraud, Election Tampering, Electronic Voting, Legal Issues, Mail In Voting, Voter Fraud
This is an excellent article about the problems with mail-in ballots and why most countries do not do it. Make sure you download the PDF with the details of Mr. Lott’s findings.
by Admin | Nov 20, 2020 | 2020 Election, Constitution, Electronic Voting, Mail In Voting
Thought I would put in writing what people are missing in the media. The Fourth Estate (yes, that is what the media is called supposedly to balance the other 3 branches of government) has totally been missing the point when they say the Trump lawyers keep losing in...
by Admin | Nov 9, 2020 | 2020 Election, Constitution, Election Fraud, Electronic Voting, Mail In Voting, Vote Switches
I learned a long time ago when anything defies the laws of physics, you have to look closely at what is going on. This is true with Biden’s campaign, or lake thereof. If you told me at ANY TIME in US history that a candidate, no matter how popular, could forego any...